Shira made some more sleep progress last night, but that doesn't mean I'm above complaining about her starting the day at 5:30 am. But progress is progress. And progress means sleep. But not sleep for tonight, because in honour of two nights of decent sleep Shira has gifted us with a nasty head cold and a new tooth coming in! If anyone is up around 3:00 am tonight, I'll see you online. These rosy teething cheeks actually glow in the dark.
Matt tried to talk some sense into Shira over the weekend about, you know, sleeping. Fingers crossed that she takes him more seriously.
All this annoying sleep-talk aside, I think Shira has fallen in love with Alyce. Aren't big sisters the greatest? Speaking of siblings, I taught my first sibling preparation class today, and it was so much fun. It was a tiny class (only one family with two kids), but they were awesome kids. We had a lot of fun and make a fantastic book about their family to give to the new baby. I could get used to this.
What did you do this weekend? Care to share the details? Did you get lots of sleep?
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