Turning three is tough, but turning three in December, right smack in the middle of Hannukah, followed by a trip to Canada to celebrate her Nana's Christmas, is even tougher. Alyce has always been an easy-going kid who didn't ask for much. She enjoys the little things, including the very occasional treat, usually on Shabbat. She loves to receive gifts, but doesn't have a room packed with too many toys. But December has showered Alyce with more treats and presents than anything she has ever experienced. She's gone from a kid who treasures the smallest gift to one treated to cake, chocolate, parties, presents, cocktails (no, wait, not cocktails), and sparkles on what seems to be an hourly basis. I can't tell you how many times this week alone that I have watched Alyce open a gift only to immediately ask where the next present was. Or tell me that she doesn't want dinner, only chocolate.
I must admit that I've always felt proud that I've never had to leave a store because Alyce was having a meltdown, or listen to her beg for candy. Silly, silly me. Of course this day has come, because, you know, she's a kid. But in the moment, when Alyce is losing it on me for the tenth time that day, and all I want to do is hide, it doesn't matter that she's just acting three. Sometimes it's just hard. I am trying, though, to remember that it's hard for her too. This little girl of mine is trying so hard to figure everything out all at once, and it's a lot of work for her too. I'm sure she'd rather that I was more of an easy-going, go-anywhere kind of parent that wouldn't insist on things like manners and not painting the dog.
Maybe she's got her own blog where she complains about the trials of being three, made all the more difficult because of her crazy Mama. Maybe she writes long-winded posts in which she goes on an on about life as our kid. I bet she posts everyday. Great. Now she's not just driving me crazy, but she's also a better blogger than me.
Night everyone.
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