This year, for the third year in a row, Alyce was dressed as a spider. The fact that Alyce still fits in her spider costume brings me great joy. I spent twenty dollars on this costume three years ago and I'm delighted that she can wear it again. And again. I've already signed Shira up as a spider next year and even imagined some future spider babies. This kind of delight is matched only by those moments I find a gas station selling gas five cents cheaper than the one down the street. Of course I'll spend a great fortune on a purse or good cheese, but saving 37 cents on gas is so very satisfying.
Alyce enjoyed herself, though she does not enjoy the loud noises that come with parades. We asked her a few times if she wanted to go home but she wanted to stay in spite of it all. This year, as an almost three year old, Alyce understood that the longer she stuck it out, the more candy she'd pack into her bag. I can respect that.
For the record, we sort of dressed up Shira as a blueberry, but she was too hot in her hat and ended up bundled in her carrier anyway. At five months I'll give her a free pass this year, but she'd better bring it next year in her spider costume.
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