It's been quite a week. I'll share more later. My brain is all befuddled today. Or maybe I can't write about it today because I'm surrounded by children and the aftermath of an afternoon full of crafting. My brain can't breath under these conditions. We made macaroni pictures and painted rainbows with water colours. Not a bad Friday afternoon.
Shabbat will be here soon and I'm looking forward to dinner with Matt. We usually have a family meal on Friday nights, but some weeks we do the blessings with the girls, feed them, ship them off to bed, and then enjoy a dinner with just two of us. And I'll tell you, it's awesome. Speaking of child-free dinners, Matt and I have--wait for it-- a date planned for the end of March. We have found someone to look after Alyce and Shira (since my family refuses to move here and provide us free child care) and we are practically already running out the door.
I'm still working on my list, but I'm happy to report progress. I'm also excited to share that our parsley is growing! We are hoping for our own home grown parsley for Passover this year, though we were a little late getting the seeds planted. My assistant gardener and I were a bit behind schedule, though she was eager to work once we got started and even made a sign. The sign makes me smile, but what we could really use is a protective shield to prevent Pomegranate from eating it. He can be a real jerk sometimes.
So, are you going to tell me what you're up to this weekend? We have a low-key couple of days planned--some spring cleaning, some boxes for Goodwill, some college basketball, a foot rub (Hi, Matty). I'll also be spending my weekend getting to know some new food blogs, thanks to Babble's list of the top 100 Mom Food Blogs. The photos alone.
Enjoy the weekend! I hope to see you around.
Hi Danielle -- Thanks for visiting me over at we bloom here. I enjoyed visiting your blog, too! Good luck with the parsley for Pesach. That's a great idea -- my 7 year old would enjoy that, I think...