
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Taking Stock: June

It that time again!

Making : My first quilting square! And socks! And a blanket! Sorry for all the exclamation points, but it's feeling really good to make things lately.
Cooking : Salads. Next up? This one, this one, and probably this one, too.
Drinking: Barely sweetened iced vanilla lattes.
Reading: Everything! Now that I'm on a break from midwifery school I can read things that have nothing to do with uteruses uteri. But don't get me wrong--I love a good uterus.
Wanting: To finally start practicing yoga again.
Looking: For shade. As the summer heat builds up, and that darn sun shines brightly all day long, I turn to the shade, where I can enjoy the sunshine without having any of it actually touch my body.
Playing: Not enough board games. Why did I marry someone who hates board games?
Wishing: For some clarity on how to handle siblings.
Enjoying: Siblings.
Waiting: For the last day of school! We are all excited for summer vacation.
Liking: Watching Grey's Anatomy all over again on Netflix.
Wondering: What to make for dinner.
Loving: Time away for myself.
Pondering: Family budgets.
Considering: Trying my had at sewing a dress for the girlies.
Buying: Wool and fabric.
Watching: Game of Thrones.
Hoping: For some great adventures this summer.
Marvelling: At Alyce's performances on the monkey bars.
Cringing: At the news.
Needing: A meal plan for dinners.
Questioning: My ability to make a meal plan.
Smelling: The roses on my dining room table.
Wearing: Long summer dresses. Always.
Following: The sewing adventures of my friend, Sarah.
Noticing: That girlies are growing way too fast.
Knowing: That I am a good Mama, no matter how I feel some days.
Thinking: About my year off from midwifery school, hoping I don't miss it too much (which I will).
Admiring: This lemon and blueberry coffee cake. Thank you, Joy.
Sorting: Closets
Bookmarking: Quilting ideas.
Coveting: A purse I found at the Wychwood Market last weekend.
Disliking: The drivers that speed down our quiet and child-filled street on a daily basis.
Giggling: At my mother's text messages.
Feeling: Tired.
Snacking: On watermelon.
Helping: Alyce get through just one more week of school.
Hearing: Thunderstorms, I hope.

Do you want to take stock? I got the idea from Pip.

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