
Sunday, April 29, 2012


1. When I eat breakfast and lunch I read cookbooks. I make myself a meal, sit down at the table, and promptly begin planning my next one. Fortunately at dinner time I have enough restraint to sit and give direct focus to the meal at hand. Except for last night, that is, when I read another cookbook. The cookbooks on my table right now are La Tartine Gourmande (a new favourite) and the Rebar cookbook (an old reliable that I like to revist every now and again).

2. I love boxed macaroni and cheese. I wouldn't choose it over my homemade mac and cheese, or your homemade mac and cheese, but I am a sucker for that box. It might just be the muscle memory that makes me reach for the box (my dad made it at least once a week when I was a very impressionable child), but whatever the cause, the force is powerful. I make bread from scratch, weekly batches of muffins, pots of soup, but boxed mac and cheese calls for me. That's cool, I'm complicated.

3. My husband gives me foot rubs almost every single night. He's giving me one right now.  No, you cannot have him. Yes, I know how lucky I am.  It started during my first pregnancy five years ago and just never stopped. Same goes for the cats' litter boxes. I just never got around to sharing that task after pregnancy. But according to my calculations I did give him two beautiful children, so we're even.

4. Here are the things that I daydream about: running for five consecutive minutes, sleeping for nine consecutive hours, having long hair, singing on Broadway, sheep, moving to France, having another baby, and my next coffee.

5. Almost every day I write a to do list for the next day and then I wake up the next morning and immediately forget that I wrote one. It's not that I don't accomplish anything that day, but it often looks nothing like my list. Why would a rational person do this? Why would I write a list only to completely disregard it? I imagine this is a case of big ideas versus follow through. I wonder how I can continue to make the most of my big ideas while implementing a plan to actually see one of these ideas through. Here is my list for tomorrow: walk Alyce to school, tidy the basement, thin out some toys, write-up a menu plan for the week,  and go for a long walk with Shira. Any chance I'll actually do any of these? I'll report back tomorrow.

What are your confessions? I won't tell.

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